ANGLING NOTES:THE third week of the season on the River Drowes in Co Donegal began with anglers hopeful of catching the first salmon of the season. The deadlock was finally broken when Adrian McGrane, Kells, Co Meath, landed a 4.5kg sea-liced salmon.
While the fish was the first for the Drowes, it was the third to be caught in Ireland this season. The Killarney Lakes and River Laune in Killarney, Co Kerry, claimed this achievement earlier in the week for the first time since recorded catches began.
However, the salmon was the first in Ireland caught on the fly. After a 25-minute fight, McGrane landed the fish downstream of the Blackwater in the Gutter Pool on a red and yellow tube fly of his own tying.
Fishery owner Shane Gallagher presented the skilled angler with the Thomas Gallagher Perpetual Trophy. McGrane generously donated the fish to the Peak Restaurant, Bundoran. The salmon was cooked on Sunday evening and a subsequent collection donated to the Bundoran RNLI lifeboat.
Two further fish were caught last weekend – Anthony Carty recorded a salmon of 3.9kg from the Broadwater on a yellow belly Devon minnow and simultaneously, Colomba Fitzpatrick landed a fish of 3.6kg from the Mill Pool.
At the request of the North Western Regional Fisheries Board, the Minister for State at the Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources, Sean Power, has renewed a bylaw which defers the opening of the salmon-angling season at Pontoon Bridge in Co Mayo to June 1st in order to conserve stocks. The bylaw also applies to the “Cross River”, upstream of the railway bridge, and the River Deel downstream of Knockadangan Bridge. The new byaw will remain in place for a three-year period.
Meanwhile, the salmon angling season got under way yesterday on the River Moy.
Project Travel is organising a group salmon fishing trip to Norway’s Stjordal River. The cost for the seven-night trip (June 28th to July 5th) is €1,995 per person sharing and includes return flights and taxes from Dublin, transfers in Norway, self-catering accommodation in Hembre Gard Farm, six days fishing, including guiding.
Hembre Gard is a working farm and holds some of the best beats on the Stjordal. The river consistently features among the most productive in the country and you can expect good runs of medium-size salmon and grilse and well as the chance of catching the big one! Accommodation is in studio apartments. Bedding and towels, as well as a generous welcome pack are included. On Wednesday nights Hembre Gard hosts a pub night when locals and visitors can exchange fishing stories over a drink or two.
There are 10 places available on the trip, which will be led by Mike Shanks from Irish Angler magazine. Book your place before February 28th by contacting Project Travel on 01-2108391 or visit for further information.
Loughs Agency is anxious to consult with stakeholders on the following proposed regulations – the Foyle and Carlingford areas Angling (Amendment) Regulations and Conservation of Eels Regulation, both for 2009. Contact Loughs Agency Headquarters, 22 Victoria Road, Derry, BT47 2AB, Northern Ireland, before 15th April 2009.
The Sixth Annual Media Fly-Fishing Competition will take place at Annamoe Trout Fishery, Co Wicklow, on February 20th. This year’s event is sponsored by the Eastern Regional Fisheries Board, Fáilte Ieland and Great Game Fairs of Ireland.
Correction: The River Liffey is now closed to all forms of sea trout and salmon angling but will remain open as a brown trout fishery from March to September.