School and college leavers looking for a job should pay a visit to the Expo Limerick '99 Recruitment Fair, which is being held, in association with
The Irish Times, at the UL between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. on Friday, April 30th, and between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. on Saturday, May 1st.
Last year over 12,000 job seekers visited the fair. It's a chance to meet employers face-to-face. Many leading companies will be there, such as Dell in Limerick, Tellabs in Shannon, NETg Ireland in Limerick, Ericsson in Athlone, Esat Digifone in Limerick, Sea-Land Service in Cork, Dunnes Stores in Dublin and nationwide, Fullteron Computer Industries in Limerick and Sykes in Shannon. For more information contact Joe Saunders at Expo Limerick, The Granary, Michael Street, Limerick at (061) 410777 or fax (061) 315634.
Film careers
A book on careers in film and television will be available from today from the Film Institute of Ireland. This guide deals with the audio-visual industry, how to get into it and what courses are available. It's produced by the Film Institute of Ireland. Screenings
The FII's series of screenings at the IFC, Temple Bar, Dublin, continues this month with The Outsiders today at 10.30 a.m. Animal Farm will be shown tomorrow in the IFC and The Promise/Das Versprechen will be screened on Thursday in the Savoy, Ballina, Co Mayo. All screenings are preceded by an introduction and are followed by an illustrated discussion by a member of staff. Generally admission is £2. For information, contact Tony Tracy or Alicia McGivern in the FII's education department.
Photo project
Transition Year students at the Patrician Secondary School, Newbridge, Co Kildare, saw the launch of the Challengine Images project recently. Their photographic work went on view last week in the school alongside the work of students from three other schools in the project - in Aschaffenburg in Germany, Pisa in Italy and Miskolc in Hungary.
The project will culminate in a multimedia exhibition in the school in May 2000. This first stage explores the use of photography as a medium of expression. The work will also be on show at the Bealtaine Arts Festival in Newbridge next month.
Send news for Noticeboard in good time to Catherine Foley at Education & Living, The Irish Times, 11-15 D'Olier Street, Dublin 2 - fax (01) 679 2789.