Pregnant woman left ‘stunned’ after punch in face

Mother-of-one says she was lucky she managed to stay on her feet during ordeal

Sintija (25), a mother of one, incurred bruises and cuts to her face when a teenager punched her in the face on Princes Street (above) in Cork city centre shortly after 7.30pm on Sunday. File photograph: Google Street View

A pregnant Latvian woman who was punched in the face by a teenager has said she was left “stunned” by the motiveless attack.

Sintija (25), a mother of one, incurred bruises and cuts to her face when a teenager punched her in the face on Princes Street in Cork city centre shortly after 7.30pm on Sunday.

Sintija, who declined to be photographed or to give her surname, said she was “minding her own business” walking down the street when the youth approached with two to three other boys.

“As I was walking up the street a teen came over and punched me in the face. I was very shocked. There were three or maybe four of them.


‘They just stood there’

“They just stood there. I think they were watching me to see what I would do or say to them.”

It is understood the punched the woman in the eye before he and his companions ran off in the direction of Patrick Street and French Church Street.

Sintija said she was lucky that she managed to stay on her feet and not fall to the ground. She is six months pregnant and her only concern was the safety of her unborn child.

Fortunately, shocked bystanders came to her assistance. There was no serious harm caused to her or her baby.

She made her way to Anglesea Street Garda station where she reported the incident to gardaí who offered her medical attention, but she declined the offer.

She returned home to her husband and five-year-old son in a dazed state.

She does not believe the boy intended to rob her, but instead suspects he was high on drugs.

She also believes he may not have realised she was pregnant as she was wearing a heavy coat.

‘Very shocked’

Sintija said the incident would not make her reconsider living in Ireland. "I am raising my son here. I like it. I will not let this make me think about leaving. But I was very shocked by what happened."

She was overwhelmed by the show of support for her from the public once her story was made public on Cork’s 96FM.

Gardaí­ under Supt Tom Myers of Anglesea Street Garda station have begun an investigation and are examining CCTV footage from the city centre.

Supt Myers appealed to anyone who may have witnessed the assault or seen any suspicious activity in the Princes Street and Patrick Street areas around 7.30pm on Sunday to contact gardaí­ at Anglesea Street on 021-4522000.

Barry Roche

Barry Roche

Barry Roche is Southern Correspondent of The Irish Times