A round-up of today's other stories in brief
French, British lawyers meet in Belfast
The Franco-British Lawyers Society, the Bar Council of Northern Ireland, Queens university school of law and the French embassy in London are organising a conference on Extradition and Fundamental Rights, Immigration Detention and Access to a Court next Friday in the Inns of Court in Belfast.
The conference will be followed by a gala dinner in Stormont. Further information from Deaglán Coyle at 0044 9097 3472 or d.p.coyle@qub.ac.uk
Fitzpatrick lecture in legal bibliography
The 25th Hugh M Fitzpatrick lecture in legal bibliography, in association with the RDS, will be given by Dr Angus Mitchell on Wednesday, November 16th, at 6pm in the RDS library, Ballsbridge, Dublin, on Roger Casement's Speech from the Dock and the Archive of Inhumanity.
The lecture will be chaired by Frank Callanan SC and will be followed by refreshments.
RSVP to hmfitzpa@tcd.ie
Irish Tax Institute scholarship
The Irish Tax Institute has launched a new AITI tax consultant scholarship programme for solicitors and barristers in Ireland who are seeking employment.
The scholarships, worth €6,000, will include work placements with leading firms in Dublin including Grant Thornton, William Fry, AL Goodbody solicitors and MOP solicitors.
The deadline is 5pm on Wednesday. Applicants can download the brochure and form at taxinstitute.ie.
Symposium on penology in Cork
Griffith College Cork will host a penology symposium in its Cork campus on Sullivan’s Quay, from 9am-5pm on November 18th. The keynote speaker is Dr Ciarán McCullagh from UCC. Other speakers include Tatiana Kelly, NUI Galway; Sarah Jane Judge, Griffith College, Dublin, and Liam Herrick and Jane Mulcahy of the Irish Penal Reform Trust.
Contact Cliodhna Dineen on 021-450 7072 or at cliodhna.dineen@gcc.ie
Law conference
The Irish Society for European Law and the UK Association for European Law are co-organising a conference on November 18th at the Law Society, Blackhall Place in Dublin entitled Reflections on the Role of EU Law through the Financial and Economic Crisis.
To register contact isel.ukael2011@gmail.com
AL Goodbody in NY
AL Goodbody has announced an expansion and relaunch of its US operations, based in its new New York city office, which will be run by resident partner, Dubliner Cian McCourt.