Gardai arrest 24 in Thomastown for theft, assault, fraud, drug offences

Operation Thor saw 13 places in Co Kilkenny town searched as part of inquiry

Garda personnel monitored the activities of local criminals by carrying out 23 checkpoints under Operation Thor.

Twenty four people were arrested for a range of offences including theft, assault, fraud, burglary and drug charges in Thomastown, Co Kilkenny on Thursday.

During the day long operation a total 13 premises and locations were searched by gardaí as part of investigations into recent burglaries, robberies and the sale and supply of controlled drugs.

Two dozen people were arrested, four on warrant and twenty on a range of offences including theft, assault, fraud, burglary and under the misuse of drugs acts. Twelve people have been charged and will appear at local sittings of Kilkenny District Court in the coming weeks.

Garda personnel monitored the activities of local criminals by carrying out 23 checkpoints under Operation Thor.


The force’s Operation Thor has involved gardaí increasing checkpoints and moving against gangs believed to be involved in large numbers of break-ins.

Crime Prevention leaflets were distributed to members of the public to increase the awareness in relation to protection of personal property and possessions.