When the English Daily Telegraph, home of the cup cake and the fragrant Mary Archer, feels driven to run a "Sexism Tracker" on the US President, we should be very worried.
In his latest alleged pussy grab, President Trump is reported as saying that he likes women who work in the Big White House to "dress like women." Goddess only knows what the Trump lady dress code will entail. One can only worry for the gardeners who prune his bushes.
Spoiler alert, Mr Trump. I am extremely pre-menstrual and sick of hearing each new slight you deal out to every minority and majority, because last time I counted heads, women were still beating men just slightly in the numbers game.

Women, and not just us pre-menstrual types, are, naturally, reacting badly. No one wants sartorial advice from an orange man with a comb-over.
And lest we forget, that President Tango has made his opininon of the fairer sex eminently clear many times on many occasions. In 1991, he called women “beautiful pieces of ass”.
Back in the good old days when good ole boy George HW Bush was US President, Trump spoke to Esquire magazine about the media: “You know, it doesn’t really matter what [they] write as long as you’ve got a young and beautiful piece of ass.”
At this stage, I would insert a photograph of my ass for the US President, but I would possibly fail on at least one of his criteria. What I write clearly doesn’t matter anyway.
Trump has now given birth to more hashtags that the old lady who lived in the shoe had children. Women from, well, everywhere are now posting their bon mots on the matter on a media platform near you with #dresslikeawoman.
To be fair and gender-balanced about Oval Offfice dress codes, President Trump was reported to have been annoyed by Sean “Spiceboy” Spicer’s appearance in an “ill-fitting” suit at the president’s first press conference. You (and the massive crowds you trail in your wake) might not remember that press conference for Spicer’s suit, but there you go.
Let’s face it, why would anyone be surprised that a man who has called women pigs, slobs and disgusting animals would prefer the gentler sex to pussy foot around him wearing skirts and high heels?
Should anyone be surprised that the man who bought the Miss USA contest in 1996 and vowed to enhance proceedings by getting “the bathing suits to be smaller and the heels to be higher’” prefers the women in his eyeline to #dresslikeawoman?
“If you’re looking for a rocket scientist, don’t tune in tonight, but if you’re looking for a really beautiful woman, you should watch,” President Trump said of Miss USA.
The man who has ridden reality TV to the reality of the US Presidency is turning the White House into real Housewives of Washington DC. What did any of us expect?