Tri Angle
You'll find lush beauty galore on the debut album from 20- year-old Alec Koone. Last year's See Birds EP provided a serious statement of intent as to where Koone was heading, but Wander/Wonderindicates that he has slipped those moorings and taken a much different route. Gone are any notions that Koone could be seen as part of some short-lived hipster scene. Instead, you'll hear a serious, heavyweight talent flexing his production muscles with great panache. Koone relies on tightly structured minimalism and moody energy to submerge you in his inky atmospheres and innovative melodies. Eerie other-worldly sounds and vocals creep up in the mix in tracks such as Oh Why and Apart, with superbly constructed ambient waves. There are plenty of others following the same star at the moment, but Koone's evocative, memorable, gorgeous work is richer and more rewarding. See soundcloud. com/balamacab
Download tracks: Oh Why, Apart, Motion