Cyber Champion award presented to Taoiseach

The Government was honoured yesterday as Europe's first Cyber Champion on the strength of copyright and e-commerce laws which…

The Government was honoured yesterday as Europe's first Cyber Champion on the strength of copyright and e-commerce laws which are seen as the continent's strongest.

The Cyber Champion Awards are presented annually to political leaders from across the globe in recognition of their efforts to support the software industry.

The Business Software Alliance presented the Taoiseach, Mr Ahern, with the award for his work in overseeing the introduction of what are recognised as the most modern copyright and electronic signature laws in Europe.

Both the Copyright and Related Rights Act, which permits surprise searches and enacts stiff penalties against software theft, and the E-Commerce Act, which grants legal recognition to e-signatures, e-writings and e-contracts, are expected to spur initiatives in the rest of the EU. The copyright legislation will come into force in November. The E-Commerce Act became law in July.


Mr Robert Holleyman, president and chief executive of the Business Software Alliance, said: "Ireland is sending a strong signal to the rest of Europe about the importance of strong copyright protection."