Restrictions on jurors

Madam, – Frances Jones (May 30th) is right that people over 70 “represents a major portion of society can bring a wealth of …

Madam, – Frances Jones (May 30th) is right that people over 70 “represents a major portion of society can bring a wealth of knowledge and life experiences”. However, she is wrong when she asserts that this group is barred from serving on a jury.

The restriction on jurors over 70 serving was removed from January 1st, 2009 by virtue on an amendment to Juries Act 1976 in the Civil Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill passed last year. Therefore jurors over 70 can play a role in trials as part of a group of people who act as the judges of fact in such a process.

But by virtue of the recent “Heyday” decision by the European Court of Justice it would seem that, along with many other members of society, if judges, who determine issues of law in a trial, wish to serve past their current mandatory retirement age, in this case 70 and 72, they are out of luck. Surely what’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander? – Yours, etc,


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