Pharmacies offering vaccines

A chara, – For the last number of weeks, your newspaper has carried reports on the increase in cases of swine flu, along with…

A chara, – For the last number of weeks, your newspaper has carried reports on the increase in cases of swine flu, along with advice from the HSE that the best protection from this virus is the flu vaccine, which this year includes the swine flu strain. However, every article implies that the vaccine is available only from GPs.

My pharmacy has in fact been vaccinating patients since October of last year and for a lot of people, dropping into their local pharmacist is an alternative and sometimes more accessible and convenient way of getting their flu shot. Indeed in the US, in those states where pharmacist vaccination occurs, uptake of vaccines has been up to 50 per cent greater than in those states where it is given by GPs alone.

At present, over 50 Boots pharmacies nationwide are authorised to provide the service with other pharmacies expected to follow in the coming year. Given the often negative press my profession has received in recent times, I think it’s important initiatives such as this get due attention so that the public are aware of the broad range of sources from which clinical services can be obtained. I hope future articles will correct this undoubtedly unintended omission.

– Is mise,

DAVID CARROLL, MPSI, Boots, Grafton Street, Dublin 2