Mandatory vaccination

Sir, – Micheál Martin rules out mandatory vaccination, as he should. But this is to a backdrop of Nphet “considering” the issue.

Why on earth is this being even discussed with 95 per cent of the country having voluntarily been jabbed twice – including me – and a fast-growing 63 per cent receiving the booster.

Ireland has seen one of the planet’s harshest lockdowns, with the closing or partial closure of the entertainment, hospitality and tourist sector .

If we look at the data, we see that while cases increased throughout December, deaths actually declined.


Yet our Nphet masters see it fit to consider further harsh measures to force the few who do not wish to get vaccinated to submit to vaccination. I am not a psychologist – but you don’t have to be one to know that those kinds of measures will produce far more vaccine scepticism than they will produce vaccine compliance. – Yours, etc,



Co Wicklow.

Sir, – I am a fully vaccinated GP whose practice is actively involved in the Covid vaccination program. I believe that at this point in time it is not necessary to go down the precarious road of considering mandatory Covid vaccination. Ireland is buying €90 million of anti-viral drugs. The Pfizer anti-viral drug, which could be available as early as next month, reduces the number of hospital admissions in unvaccinated high-risk patients by 90 per cent, so there should be a significant reduction in hospital and ICU admissions caused by the unvaccinated once these medications are available.– Yours, etc,


Health Centre,

Bridgetown, Co Wexford.

Sir, – May I remind my fellow citizens that Article 40.3.1 of the Constitution guarantees bodily integrity. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 14.