In search of a government

Sir, – It must be hard for an awful lot of TDs at the moment. You’d almost feel sorry for them. With no government in place, and nothing to rail against, how can they hone their oratorical skills, never mind enhance their right-on credentials? – Yours, etc,



Dublin 15.


Sir, – Is the current Sinn Féin policy of non-engagement an indication that, at heart, it is still abstensionist? – Yours, etc,



Co Donegal.

Sir, – Both Enda Kenny and Micheál Martin are in discussions with a variety of Independent TDs of all diverse political opinions. They are going through the motions. What I guarantee will happen is that Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael will eventually go into a two-party coalition and the Independent TDs will be once again left out in the cold.

Be warned – we are facing a government of two conservative parties and five more years of austerity. Any taxes, water charges, etc, will not be used for the public good but handed over to the European banks and bondholders, as per usual.

We will only have ourselves to blame for this. – Yours, etc,


Templeogue, Dublin 6W.

Sir, – The political charade being conducted by the two main parties is most dispiriting and depressing. What the country needs is somebody of the stature of John Hume, who put the wider good ahead of personal or party imperatives.

From some media reports, the impression is given that the “acting” Taoiseach is the focus of the current impasse. As he approaches “normal” retirement age, and has served as a loyal public servant for over 40 years, could he not now make a magnanimous gesture and secure as his political epitaph that he served his country with honour in its hour of need by putting the wider good ahead of personal vanity? Surely that would be the mark of a true public servant and statesman? – Yours, etc,



Dublin 18.