Debate On Asylum-Seekers

Sir, - On the subject of asylum-seekers, I would be much quicker to listen to the various spokesmen for the Catholic Church if…

Sir, - On the subject of asylum-seekers, I would be much quicker to listen to the various spokesmen for the Catholic Church if they were prepared to put their hand in their own pockets instead of encouraging the Government to put its hand into mine.

There are two seminaries in Dublin, practically empty because of the fall in vocations, Blackrock College is phasing out its boarding facility for children of the well-to-do and there must be dozens of convents and boarding schools throughout the country with dormitories lying idle.

These would provide excellent accommodation for asylum-seekers and would take some of the burden off the over-stretched health boards, especially in the eastern region.

If the Catholic church is so concerned about the plight of asylum-seekers why aren't these beds being made available to them? - Yours, etc., M. Magill,


Howth, Co Dublin.