Sir, - I was horrified to read Mr Jackie Healy-Rea's vitriolic attack on asylum-seekers. Like everyone growing up in preCeltic Tiger Ireland, he was no doubt exhorted to save his pennies for the "black babies". The significance of this action obviously passed over his head. As a PAYE worker for over 30 years, I have contributed to housing, medical cards and education costs for those unable to afford these things for themselves. These contributions were taken by the Government, on my behalf, without prior consultation with me. I would like to go on record now to state that I have no problem whatever with the Government using tax revenue from me to provide housing and other help for those unfortunate refugees who have sought shelter in this Ireland of a thousand welcomes. Mr Healy-Rae does not speak for me. - Yours, etc.,
Helen Moriarty, Bayview Drive, Newtown Road, Wexford.