A chara, – It was with astonishment that I read in The Irish Times of a new body that is set to review the pay of higher-paid officials of State bodies, with a view to increasing it (“CEO pay at commercial State bodies including RTÉ likely to be boosted after Government review”, News, March 6th).
The last couple of years has revealed a litany of overpaid officials receiving top-ups, hidden payments and eye-watering amounts of redundancy and exit payments. This has all taken place when the vast majority of public servants and indeed private-sector employees exist on salaries ranging between €35,000 to €55,000. There has been also been a well-documented vast increase in the cost of living in recent years.
If anything, there needs to be a commission to examine lower salaries in all sectors of society and boost same. The Government also needs to seriously reflect on such proposals as boosting the pay of already generously paid State officials. The proposals of Government show a serious disconnect between itself and the rest of society. – Is mise,
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Abhainn an Scáil,
Co Chiarraí.