Covid-19: Protests against Bolsonaro as Brazil tops 500,000 deaths

Many critics blame Brazilian president’s coronavirus policies for crisis in country

People watch the sunset in the Plaza del Cruzeiro during mass in Brasilia, Brazil as country surpassed 500,000 deaths from Covid-19. Photograph: Fernando Bizerra/EPA

Anti-government protesters took to the streets in cities across Brazil as the nation's confirmed death toll from Covid-19 soared past half a million.

Many critics blame Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro’s attempt to minimise the disease as the reason behind the toll.

Thousands gathered in downtown Rio de Janeiro waving flags with slogans such as "Get out Bolsonaro. Government of hunger and unemployment."

“Brazil is experiencing a great setback. The country was an exemplary country for vaccination in the world. We have widely recognised institutions, but today we are in a sad situation”, said Isabela Gouljor, a 20-year-old student who joined the protest in Rio.


Other marchers hoisted posters reading: “500 thousand deaths. It’s his fault,” alluding to Mr Bolsonaro.

Similar marches took place in at least 22 or Brazil’s 26 states, as well as in the Federal District, Brasilia.

They were promoted by left-wing opposition parties who have been heartened by Mr Bolsonaro’s declining poll ratings with next year’s presidential race looming.

"Get out Bolsonaro, genocidal," yelled Rio demonstrators, some of them wearing T-shirts or masks with the image of former leftist president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva — who leads Mr Bolsonaro in some polls.

Red balloons

In Sao Paulo, protesters dropped red balloons as a tribute to the victims of the virus

Mr Bolsonaro’s supporters have taken more often to the streets over the past month, in large part because many agree with his dismissal of restrictions meant to stifle the coronavirus and anger that lockdown measures have hurt businesses.

Critics say such messages, as well as Mr Bolsonaro’s promotion of disproven treatments such as hydroxychloroquine, have contributed to the soaring death toll and a sluggish vaccine campaign that has fully inoculated less than 12 per cent of the population.

The country of some 213 million people is registering nearly 100,000 new infections and 2,000 deaths a day.

"For the leftists, putting their followers in the streets is a way of wearing Bolsonaro down for the election," said Leandro Consentino, a political science professor at Insper, a university in Sao Paulo.

“But at the same time they are contradicting themselves and losing the discourse of maintaining health care, because they are causing the same agglomerations as Bolsonaro.”

Saturday’s marches came a week after Mr Bolsonaro led backers in a massive motorcycle parade in Sao Paulo, though his supporters and critics differ dramatically on the size of that event.

“Bolsonaro needs to show that he maintains significant support to give a message of strength to those who are investigating the actions of his government in Congress”, Mr Consentino said. – AP