What Is the Colour of Love?

It's normal, I know, but frightening all the same,

It's normal, I know, but frightening all the same,

that love, the dazzle and blaze of it, has diminished

with the familiarity of being together, but if it was

a colour it must have been close to the turquoise


of the fish I just saw while snorkeling Varkala beach.

At first, I thought the minnow was just that flame

darting about the reef, but after shadowing it in

and out of rocks I saw this bluish flick

was only the dorsal and that the greater part

of the creature - like our love now -

is all but transparent; invisible most of the time,

but there nonetheless, camouflaged, flickering in

and out of the nooks and crannies of daily life. Look, see.