A Washington state official is considering making a request to the government to disinfect all passengers arriving from countries where foot-and-mouth disease.
"If it does get that bad - say all of Europe is affected by this and we have travelers going back and forth - I probably would like to see some kind of disinfection foot bath at the airport for flights that are coming directly from there," said Mr Robert Mead, Washington state's veterinarian.
Mr Mead has already issued a warning that state residents who have traveled to Britain in the past 30 days should not visit Washington farms, ranches and zoos. He said he did not know if any other US states were taking similar steps.
A chief concern for many nations is the risk of humans wearing contaminated clothing or shoes could pass the virus to healthy animals.
The US Agriculture Department already prohibits shipments of livestock and animal products from Europe because of the mad cow disease, which is unrelated to foot-and-mouth.
A USDA spokesman declined to comment on whether any new precautions were being taken to prevent the virulent disease from entering US borders.
In a routine procedure, Mr Mead said the US military has been notified that moving soldiers and equipment from affected countries could possibly introduce foot-and-mouth into the United States and precautions should be taken.