A Tipperary farmer's wife with a degree in Spanish translated the instructions to administer illegal animal growthpromoters for a neighbour, Birr District Court was told yesterday.
The instructions were found on the back of a brown envelope when Department of Agriculture officials raided the farms of two brothers in North Tipperary.
Mr Brian Flaherty, a Department veterinary surgeon, found the instructions on the farm of Terence Smyth, Rathcabbin, Roscrea, on January 15th, 1997.
He also found the residue of clenbuterol, commonly known as angel dust, in a bottle on the farm and hormones.
Smyth, said to have a 313-acre farm and 178 animals, pleaded guilty to seven charges and was fined £500 on each of them.
The raid on Eamon Smyth's farm uncovered a half-bottle of clenbuterol. He pleaded guilty to two charges of possessing it and was fined £500 on each.