LESS THAN half of consumers buy Irish goods and services as often as possible but 83 per cent believe it is more important now to buy Irish than five years ago, according to a survey.
The questionnaire, by Amárach Research, found that 41 per cent of people buy Irish goods and services as often as they can. This rises to 76 per cent when those who buy Irish “some of the time” are included.
The survey also found that the likelihood of buying Irish “as often as I can” increases with age, and is higher among women and those who have children.
Of those surveyed, 63 per cent said buying guaranteed Irish goods helped them feel they were supporting Ireland in some way.
Researchers questioned 1,000 people across all age groups and across the State – 850 online and 150 in face-to-face interviews. The survey was conducted for non-profit company Guaranteed Irish.