Dear Old Daddy (RTE Radio 1, 7.05 p.m., Wednesday) is the remarkable story of William Joyce, better known as Lord Haw Haw, the Irish-born propagandist who broadcast from Nazi Germany during the second World War. His daughter, Heather Rose, returns to visit her father's grave in Bohermore Cemetery and his house in Salthill, and reminisces with her father's former classmate.
MORE people died prematurely as a result of suicide than in road traffic accidents in 1998. The Health Report (RTE Radio 1, 3.30 p.m., Tuesday) explores the media's role in informing and educating society about these tragedies - including a look at the phenomenon of copycat suicides and how relatives can be spared unnecessary emotional stress.
BREAK out with Henry Pulling, a retired bank manager, as he melts into a twilight society, mixing with hippies, war criminals and the CIA, during his travels from Brighton to Paris, Istanbul and Paraguay with his aged Aunt Augusta in Travels With My Aunt by Graham Greene, The Book On One (RTE Radio 1, 2.34 p.m., Monday to Friday).
THERE'S more Graham Greene starting on Monday, with Bernard Cribbins starring in Monsignor Quixote (BBC Radio 4, 11.30 a.m., Monday), a four-part dramatisation by Rene Basilico with theme music written and played by Flamenco guitarist Paco Pena.
IF RISES in property prices have left you behind then Sinead McCarthy, with the help of experts, may have the solution for you in Carpets and Curtains Incl. (RTE Radio 1, 3.30 p.m., Monday). How about an investment based on shared ownership with three or four people?
Eavan Boland talks about the influence American poet and novelist, Sylvia Plath, had on her life and work - especially the young Plath and not the "dehumanised icon" of her later reputation - in A Giant at my Shoulder (RTE Radio 1, 9.30 p.m.)
VACLAV Havel, the Czech playwright imprisoned twice as a dissident and elected the country's president after the collapse of communist rule in 1989, talks to Richard Crowley, Powerful Shadows (RTE Radio 1, 7.05 p.m.).