Parties to approve merger

The merger between the Labour Party and Democratic Left is expected to be decisively approved today.

The merger between the Labour Party and Democratic Left is expected to be decisively approved today.

More than 800 Labour members will be in the National Conference Hall, Dublin, where the motion to endorse the merger will be proposed by the party leader, Mr Ruairi Quinn. Over 20 delegates will then be allotted five minutes each to speak for or against the motion.

Democratic Left sources are confident of the necessary two-thirds majority of the 250 to 300 delegates at their conference in the Shelbourne Hotel. The conference will also elect 20 people to the DL executive, who will automatically become members of the Labour Party executive.

The merger will come into effect on or before February 1st 1999.


Some opposition is expected at both conferences. Labour's General Council approved the deal by 50 votes to zero, with two abstentions. DL's executive approved it by 22 votes to one, with four abstentions.

The front bench of the new party is not expected to be announced until after the merger comes into effect.

Delegates and members of both parties will attend a social function at Dublin's Riverside centre this evening.

Entertainment will be provided by the singers Mary Coughlan and Mary Stokes, the actor Niall Toibin and the writer, film and theatre director and comedian Gerry Stembridge.

The party leader, Mr Ruairi Quinn, and soon to be party president, Mr Proinsias De Rossa are expected to make their first joint appearance, involving short speeches at this informal event.