Watch: Police break up rave on London Underground

Impromptu drum ‘n’ bass party set up by pranksters on Tube splits opinion

A commute with a difference takes place on London's Bakerloo line as passengers are ambushed with a 'fully fledged rave' led by drum’n’bass MC Harry Shotta. Video: Youtube/Svenskier

Police broke up an underground rave with a difference after a party with lights and a sound system started on a Tube train.

A video uploaded to Youtube showed revellers dancing to drum ‘n’ bass music in a carriage on the northbound Bakerloo line service through central London on Monday night.

The stunt by internet pranksters Trollstation featured a performance by collective member DJ Dicsoboy and MC Harry Shotta.

The six-minute film showed the party in the carriage as the train travelled from Embankment to Paddington, where British Transport Police (BTP) officers shut down the good-natured event.


The BTP Paddington Twitter account revealed the event had taken place, saying the ravers were “light-hearted” and “co-operative” when the rave was shut down.

A force spokesman said: “Officers attended and spoke with a man who agreed to turn off the speakers and the light systems. They then left the station.

“Whilst officers relish any opportunity to experience underground drum and bass [sic], we’d kindly ask DJs to refrain from using the Tube as a pop-up club.

“It may be the Easter Holiday, but there is a time and a place and we’d ask everyone to consider other passengers using the network.”

Organiser Discoboy – real name Lee Marshall – told the Press Association: “There was a great atmosphere. The police shut it down but they were cool about it.”

The event, which was halted at around 10.40pm, divided opinion online, with Enter Shikari frontman Rou Reynolds tweeting: "I think there should be a rave carriage on each tube train tbh. HarryShotta you legend."

But commuter Elise Myette seemed less impressed, writing: "Can you please let me know why there's some live rap performance holding up trains and keeping me from my PJs?"

YouTuber Svenskier, who captured footage of the event, wrote under his video that it was “not your normal Monday night on the Bakerloo line.”