President Barack Obama faces growing concerns among voters over government spending, the motor industry bailout and other economic policies, according to two opinion polls released last night.
Mr Obama, who took office in January, remains popular with Americans, although his overall job approval rating slipped to 56 per cent, down 5 points from April, according to an NBC News/ Wall Street Journal poll.
But 58 per cent of respondents said Mr Obama and Congress should focus on keeping the budget deficit down, even if takes longer for the economy to recover. The Congressional Budget Office estimates the federal deficit could top $1.8 trillion this fiscal year - by far a record.
Nearly 70 per cent said they had concerns about federal intervention in the economy, including Mr Obama's decision to take an ownership stake in General Motors and the prospect of more government involvement in healthcare. Mr Obama has made healthcare reform a top priority of his administration.
Just 37 per cent of respondents said the president was taking on too many issues and 60 per cent said he had to focus on so many things because the United States was facing so many problems.
While Republican criticism of the Democratic president's policies may be scoring points with voters, the strategy does not appear to be benefiting the party.
A CBS News/ New York Timespoll also released yesterday found the Republican Party was viewed favourably by only 28 per cent of Americans, the lowest rating ever in the poll. In contrast, 57 per cent had a favourable view of the Democratic Party.
The CBS/ New York Times poll also found a distinct difference in Mr Obama's overall standing and how Americans viewed his major initiatives.
Mr Obama's job approval rating held steady at 63 per cent from the previous poll last month, but fewer than half of respondents approved of how he was handling healthcare reform and efforts to save GM and Chrysler, according to the survey.
The poll also found that Americans were alarmed by the amount of money doled out to boost the economy and a majority thought the government should focus instead on reducing the federal deficit.
Both polls also found a majority of Americans opposing Mr Obama's decision to close the US military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
The NBC/ Wall Street Journal survey of 1,008 adults, conducted Friday to Monday, had a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percentage points.
The CBS/ New York Timestelephone poll of 895 adults was conducted Friday through Tuesday and had a margin of error of plus or minus 3 points.