Obama narrows the gap in Ohio

UNITED STATES: SENATOR BARACK Obama has gained ground against Hillary Clinton in the battleground state of Ohio as their race…

UNITED STATES:SENATOR BARACK Obama has gained ground against Hillary Clinton in the battleground state of Ohio as their race takes an increasingly bitter and negative turn.

With a week to go until a potentially pivotal vote in Ohio and Texas on March 4th, a Quinnipiac University poll said Mrs Clinton was leading Mr Obama in Ohio by 51 per cent to 40 per cent among likely Democratic voters.

This was a narrowing from 55 per cent to 34 per cent lead she held less than two weeks ago, and was a sign that Mr Obama's momentum was beginning to pay dividends in Ohio.

Mrs Clinton needs big victories in Ohio and Texas to salvage her campaign after losing 11 consecutive contests to Obama, a first-term Illinois senator.


Meanwhile, Independent Ralph Nader (74) defended his decision to make a late entry into the presidential race.

"I think the two parties have spoiled our electoral and political system," the one-time consumer rights champion told CBS television.

- (Reuters)