The Top 10 most common mistakes with software such as Microsoft Office that Irish consultancy and training service Soft- ware Paths encounters with mainstream users, based on calls to its help desk:
1. Turning on Full Screen View and losing access to all toolbars in Word and Excel; 2. Not using relative and absolute addressing in Excel formulas; 3. Not using the Slide Master in PowerPoint to ensure consistency in Slides; 4. Assigning incorrect datatypes when defining database fields; 5. Being unable to turn off gridlines when printing Excel spreadsheets; 6. In Access, confusing the label with the corresponding text box when manipulating Forms; 7. In Word, not using Styles for headings (without styles one cannot create a table of contents); 8. When recording macros in Excel, not turning off relative references; 9. In Word, confusing page breaks with section breaks; 10. Being unaware of the OLE capability within the Office suite