In Ranelagh, the tanks are ready to roll. Strains of martial music come drifting on the air above a certain red-brick on Charleston Road. There are rumours of bunting in the Law Library, writes Miriam Lord
Lots of people are talking. But, for the first time in living memory, Michael McDowell has fallen silent. His people say he was far too busy doing his job in the Department of Justice yesterday to think about the glorious future. And when he wasn't doing that, he was perfecting his victory salute in front of the mirror.
In the battle for the Progressive Democrats leadership, it seems the end is near. Throughout the day, as the numbers declaring loyalty to the PD president stacked up, the message to dissenters was unrelenting: resistance is futile.
Certainly, in a tastefully appointed Georgian bunker down the road in red-brick Rathmines, there was no indication Liz O'Donnell was preparing to stand in the path of the advancing McDowell machine.
While members of Michael's personal guard spent the day carrying out carefully planned forays to the media, there were no such displays of allegiance emanating from the O'Donnell camp. What news so, from the regions? Is the brave Tom Parlon, leader of the strongest pocket of resistance in the country, ready to mount a challenge? There are 800 paid-up PD members in Offaly, out of an overall figure of 3,400 active supporters. To a man and a woman full square behind Tom.
He was out on his usual Friday manoeuvres around the county yesterday afternoon, touring the constituency he modestly likes to call "Parlon Country". He called in on the Glenisk organic dairy factory in Killeigh to discuss with company representatives the prospect of converting more farmers to organics. Junior Minister at the OPW, Parlon was more than happy to discuss the finer points of rearing goats for milk and getting organic certification for dairy herds. "I want to spread the word," he explained. Glenisk's business is about to undergo a major expansion following a multimillion investment deal with a subsidiary of dairy food giant Danone. Consequently, they will need more suppliers.
The word on his leadership intentions was a little bit harder to divine. Tom isn't quite sure what he wants to do. Even if the job had been offered to him on a plate, he doesn't know whether he would want to do it. Leadership of a party might just be too much trouble, mused the former leader of the Irish Farmers' Association.
Of course, he wants the job. But Tom would have heard earlier in the day that two PD deputies and two Senators had already declared their support for Michael McDowell. "Michael has a lot of people to support him, so who knows? It's all about getting the proper person for the party." Junior Minister Parlon will be reflecting over the weekend, and he will be consulting his local organisation. Farmer Tom knows how to keep a weather eye out. And who knows? If the McDowell blitzkrieg suddenly falters, there is a perfect compromise candidate waiting to emerge in Offaly.
Is Tom, ambitious but a pragmatist, up for the fight? The man is already limping. "I got an awful kick from a cow last Sunday week," he explained.
Maybe better to throw in his lot with the man looking more likely by the hour to assume the reins of power within the PDs. Be gracious and give way. There might be a reward for taking such a noble course of action.
Enter Tommy Morrissey, Michael McDowell's first lieutenant, who was on a flight home from Morocco when he first heard the news that Mary Harney had resigned as party leader. Straight off the plane, still wearing his souvenir fez - for he had been on a fact-finding junket to Fez - Tommy rushed to his mentor's side. Within hours, he was on radio, speculating Tom Parlon would make a fine president of the PDs.
By this stage, even the police had converted to the McDowell cause, with the Association of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors declaring they would support his new police reserve force after all. As darkness fell last night, word came through that Michael had taken the west. All eight PD councillors in Galway are behind him.
Party founder Des O'Malley said he wanted a short, non-divisive changeover. Party favourite retired deputy Bobby Molloy rowed in with the Ranelagh brigade. As for Mary Harney, former leader of the PDs, she stayed out of it. She is now the Dowager Democrat, and above it all.
All Michael has to do now is wait. It shouldn't be for long. Give him a week and at least the trains will be running on time.