Hunzvi to become national hero

Harare - Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe said yesterday that the war veterans' leader, Chenjerai Hunzvi, a key political ally…

Harare - Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe said yesterday that the war veterans' leader, Chenjerai Hunzvi, a key political ally who died on Monday, was to be declared a national hero, state news agency ZIANA reported.

ZIANA quoted Mr Mugabe as telling mourners that a meeting yesterday of the ruling ZANU-PF party's supreme policy-making politburo to decide on Hunzvi's status would be a mere formality.

"I don't want to jump the politburo, [but] even if we have not sat down, can Mugabe not agree with the rest of the people in the party?" Mr Mugabe was quoted as saying to applause from the mourners.

War veterans had earlier threatened to boycott Hunzvi's funeral, due to take place on Saturday, if he was not made a national hero, ZIANA reported.