Health Scan Lifestyle Q&A

Paschal Donohoe , Fine Gael senator for Dublin Central

Paschal Donohoe, Fine Gael senator for Dublin Central

Do you think you have a healthy lifestyle?

I have a fairly healthy lifestyle. Trying to keep my kids healthy does the same for me – they love running around the Zoo, the Phoenix Park or the playground. Politics also keeps me very physically active as I do a lot of canvassing. Unfortunately, lack of sleep, due to both kids rising before 6am nearly every morning, sometimes unravels all my efforts to be refreshed and healthy.

How often do you exercise?


Nearly every day. I’m afraid I feel exercise is wasted unless I am clutching canvass cards or leaflets! A measure of a good physical exercise can be how many doors I’ve knocked on or how many leaflets I’ve dropped.

Do you get your five a day?

Most days. I make dinner for the family most weeknights. In making sure the kids get their fruit and vegetable portions, I usually get mine. My chicken and vegetable curry is a family favourite. We’ve also moved the fruit bowl to the middle of the dinner table, which encourages the family to snack on apples and not biscuits.

Do you worry?

Politics is a risky career and I do worry about looking after my family if life in politics ever came to an abrupt end. But sadly I’m no different to most working families in having this concern. Apart from that worry, I am blessed with a “glass half-full” temperament. I never have any trouble sleeping which is great for putting the cares of each day beyond me and getting ready for the next.

What do you do to relax?

I love reading at the end of every day and listen to my iPod whenever I have a chance. Johnny Cash and Florence and the Machine can deal with any worry. I always enjoy following a few good TV programmes – FlashForwardis my current favourite.

What’s your unhealthiest habit?

Eating late at night. I get back home from meetings or canvasses late most nights and succumb too often to a late-night nibble.