The removal service for the 19-year-old woman murdered in Cobh, Co Cork last weekend will be held this evening as gardaí continue inquiries into her death.
Sheola Keaney
Sheola Keaney's body was found hidden under scrap metal in a ditch off a laneway near Newtown on Sunday evening.
She had been seen by friends at 3.30am on Friday after she left a disco at the Commodore Hotel in the company of a young man, but gardai have yet to confirm a later sighting of the woman in the Rushbrook area at 10.30am. Her mother reported her missing at 1am on Saturday.
A postmortem found that Ms Keaney had been strangled, but there was no evidence that she had been sexually assaulted.
Insp Martin Dorney said gardaí are investigating several lines of inquiry and he appealed for anyone with information to telephone Cobh Garda station on 021-4908530.
The remains of Ms Keaney, who is survived by her parents Peter and Carol, will be removed this evening at 7pm from the mortuary at Cobh hospital to St Colman's Cathedral in the town. She will be buried in St Colman's Cemetery following requiem Mass tomorrow at 2pm.