What students really think about the exams

BLOGWATCH: Ordinary-level maths Paper 1 served only to further my belief that the lead-up to the Leaving Cert is much more intense…

BLOGWATCH:Ordinary-level maths Paper 1 served only to further my belief that the lead-up to the Leaving Cert is much more intense than the actual exams themselves.

I'm not saying it's not stressful, as I know that some people are under a lot of pressure, but in my experience the pres/mocks were much more melodramatic than today's events. No one was hyperventilating at school this morning, there were no exclamations of joy or groans of dismay following the paper, just a casual, "Ah sure that was grand, wasn't it?" here and there. I've come to think that by the time the 17th rolls round I won't have even realised that the Leaving started, never mind the fact that it will be over by then: Grace – leaving-cert.net

I think I did really well on it, got it all worked out and stayed until the very end, the only question I had a little bit of bother with was 2 (c) (ii) but I think I got the right answer out, fingers crossed; hopefully this English paper isn't crap: boards.ie

I think I did really bad! I actually burst into tears when it was over. I'd worked so hard and I just feel like it was all for nothing. Luckily I knew the volume of a cone thing, but I couldn't even attempt some of the part cs: allhonours.ie


I’m a bad one for missing little things like minuses and stuff, but ultimately I came out with a good-looking answer for almost every bit. If Paper 2 follows suit I’ll probably have a B1 at the worst.

As long as the examiner doesn't dock me marks for this one part where I struggled for AGES trying all sorts of things, then finally figured it out, and couldn't resist putting a little note next to it in the rough work part that said "hell to the yes!". Emerald – leaving-cert.net

Much better than mocks! Complex numbers were tough enough though . . . and differentiation wasn't great but I'm fairly sure I passed . . . I hope so anyway! Does anyone know how to do the rectangle question? I completely guessed my way through that! allhonours.ie

I went in today not knowing what to expect, because I dropped down to OL quite suddenly near the end of the year. Had no OL notes to go over . . . I hadn't a clue about a lot of it, but I gave it all a go and it went suspiciously alright. boards.ie

Ok, so I am doing some cramming. I know, a bad idea, but sure what can ya do? Well I was thinking the Bishop babe will still come up. What are others predicting? I hope general vision comes up or I am screwed. boards.ie

About to go sink into English Paper 2 revision . . . Hmm. Hope that in some way that the deferred date means that the countless quotes and random sentences have more of a chance to sink in. Not looking forward to Monday and Tuesday at all . . . I am somewhat relying on cramming for Business and Irish and I know now that any "crammage" will be compromised. Oh well, we'll keep clear heads. Marie – leaving-cert.net