The Labour Party has hit out at the Government's failure to recruit more driving testers as waiting list figures approach 120,000.
Speaking in the Dáil today transport spokesperson Roisín Shortall said the most recent figures show 119,624 people on waiting lists but just 116 testers.
"This is over 10,000 more than the numbers on waiting lists two years ago, in February 2003. And it is almost double the numbers five years ago," Ms Shortall said.
While the waiting list increases, there are 14 fewer examiners compared to last year.
The average waiting list time is 30 weeks, but Ms Shortall said at the testing centre in Thurles, Co Tipperary, the average waiting time is 43 weeks. In Nenagh, Co Tipperary and Carlow town the waiting time is 42 weeks.
"At a time when road accidents and road deaths continue to spiral, it is incumbent on the Minister for Transport to allow people acquire full licences a speedily as possible and increase the level of safety and responsible driving on the country," Mr Shortall said.
She also said the Minister for Transport Mr Cullen should update the Rules of the Roadhandbook which, she said is "ten years out of date".