€83m allocated for Fáilte Ireland projects

TOURISM: A total of €170 million is to be invested in the tourism industry next year, the largest ever budget for the sector…

TOURISM:A total of €170 million is to be invested in the tourism industry next year, the largest ever budget for the sector. The allocation represents a 7 per cent increase on the 2007 tourism budget.

Minister for Tourism Séamus Brennan said the extra funding will allow for "the undertaking of new projects" and "increased support for organisations".

"Tourism is a major industry that in total employs some 250,000 people and generates more than €6 billion in revenue annually," he said.

Some €83 million has been allocated to Fáilte Ireland, a 4 per cent increase on 2007. The allocation includes funding to secure both an Irish stopover on the Volvo Ocean Yacht Race in 2009 and the Solheim Cup golf event at Dublin's Killeen Castle in 2011.


An extra €5 million has been granted to the tourism marketing fund, an increase of 11 per cent, bringing its budget to €50 million. It is dedicated to the rebranding of the Irish tourism product and the overseas marketing of the Shannon airport catchment area.

Capital funding of €15.7 million has been made available to support investment in tourism infrastructure, attractions and visitor activity facilities. "The increased investment recognises its importance and also the need to channel additional resources into meeting new challenges in what is now a high competitive global industry," Mr Brennan said.

Steven Carroll

Steven Carroll

Steven Carroll is an Assistant News Editor with The Irish Times