Dublin Garden Squares DayTourists seek out and admire our Georgian buildings and squares but for Dubliners it's sometimes hard to fully appreciate the familiar which is why Dublin Civic Trust is hosting the first Dublin Garden Squares Day beginning today at 10am. The idea started in London and many other European cities have copied it. Free events will be taking place in five squares – if you're energetic you could easily catch all five.
Best events for kids include:in Merrion Square a hot air balloon will be released to commemorate the hydrogen balloon flight by Richard Crosbie, Ireland's first aviator, in July 1785. Imaginosity is hosting a series of children's street games from hopscotch to hula hoops and the Custard Pie Theatre Company will be giving a performance of Punch and Judy.
Tango Argentino will be at the bandstand in St Stephen’s Green, and elsewhere in the park there’ll be chess exhibition games and musical performances. Regular tours throughout the day will tell you everything you need to know about this spectacular city park.
Mountjoy Square is one of the most vibrant of the parks – most days there’s a basketball game going on and there’s a great kids playground. Today there will also a brass band, Chinese dance and kite flying, and plant stalls for green fingered gardeners.
See dublincivictrust.ie