On location with an agent in Blanchardstown

Agent: Flynn & Associates

Agent: Flynn & Associates

Number of properties on the books: 30

People are looking for: three-bed semis and two-bed apartments, preferably in Summerfield or settled areas like Coolmine

Fastest sale: a three-bedroom semi in Summerfield - sold in two days to an underbidder for another house in the area


Most expensive property: 6 Herbert Road, a three-bedroom bungalow near the hospital. Quoting €400,000

Cheapest property: €258,000 for a two-bed apartment in Waterville, beside the hospital

What won't shift? Apartments in Verdemont because of management problems, now being sorted

Average rent for a two-bedroom property: €1,100

Daytime Blanchardstown: Coolmine Drama Circle, Coolmine Musical Society and Blanchardstown Brass Band. Bowling, tennis, GAA, rugby, soccer and golf. Swimming at Abbottstown. Gyms at Total Fitness and West Point. Lunch at the shopping centre, Brady's, The Bell or La Terrazza

After dark: Draíocht theatre and the multiplex cinema. Eat out in Don Lorenzo or The Vineyard. Pint at The Greyhound, Brady's and The Bell. Dancing at Heaven

Issues: traffic

in conversation with Kate McMorrow