An Bord Pleanála has granted permission for a major mixed use scheme of 416 residential units, 28,000 sq m (301,389 sq ft) of offices and a 168-bed hotel on the former lands of the Sisters of Charity fronting Merrion Road, Dublin 4.
Radora Developments, a consortium led by Kerry-based developer Gerry O'Reilly who bought the land for around €45 million in 2001, obtained planning permission for the €500 million development from Dublin City Council in December.
Seven parties including Elm Park Golf Club, which lies to the west of the 16-acre site, appealed planning permission for the six multi-storey blocks.
The golf club was concerned about the proximity of the proposed eight storey blocks to its eastern boundary. It proposed the block either be refused permission or reduced in height.
The other appellants included Dornden Park residents Association, Brackenstone Limited and An Taisce.
Among their concerns was the high rise nature of the development, its density and the effect of the 95,000 sq m (1,022,570 sq ft) development in terms of traffic.
An Bord Pleanála ruled that because of the high quality of the design and layout and range of uses of the proposed scheme, it is considered acceptable "in terms of scale, design, traffic safety and convenience" and granted permission subject to 26 conditions.
A five-storey 12,000 sq m (129,167 sq ft) private hospital is also included in the plans as well as a restaurant, leisure centre, crèche and 875 car spaces.
Over 100 of the housing units are for the elderly and disabled in seven two-storey buildings.