Best Shops 2015: The winners

This year’s judges had a tough job sifting through more than 31,000 entries from customers eager to show their appreciation for the small independent shops making a difference up and down the country

We asked you tell us about your favourite shops again this summer, and you did in your thousands. More than 31,000 entries poured in praising independent shops and cafes

with great service and stock all over the country. A friendly greeting; a well-laid out space; a feeling that there is no pressure to buy and yet an inability to walk out the door without something – these were top of the list when you told us about the shops you love, from the wilds of Co Cork to the tip of Co Donegal.

The Irish Times Best Shops competition is a chance for customers to show their appreciation of the army of people who own and run small independent businesses, and to let others know how great they are. It's also an opportunity to highlight businesses that are making a difference in niche markets or drawing in new customers to a neighbourhood. Once again it's heartening to see that small, independent shops are surviving and thriving by giving customers what they want.

Robert Collins, manager and Christina O'Connor, staff member, at The Store Yard , Portlaoise. Photograph: Eric Luke

A big thank you to everyone who nominated shops online, by letter, card and email. It was a tough job for the judges, Simon Pratt of Avoca; retail consultant Eddie Shanahan; John Redmond, creative director of Brown Thomas; fashion editor Deirdre McQuillan, journalist Alanna Gallagher and Robbie Doherty of the competition sponsor AIB Merchant Services. We hope you like our winners. Now, go forth and shop!



Country Choice in the Milk Market, Limerick has won the Irish Times Best Shops Award in the Market Stalls category. Video: Alan Place

Best cafe/teashop: Glebe Gardens and CaféOpens in new window ]

Best fashion store: Envoy of BelfastOpens in new window ]

Best specialist shop: Cloon Keen AtelierOpens in new window ]

Best food and drink: Fallon and ByrneOpens in new window ]

Best market stall: Country ChoiceOpens in new window ]

Best newcomer: Run LogicOpens in new window ]

Best salon: The Grooming RoomsOpens in new window ]

Best online shop: Mick’s GarageOpens in new window ]

Best gifts/crafts/design interiors: Joint winners- Industry and The Store YardOpens in new window ]

Best shop window:

no award given