PC or not PC, that is the question

Emma Daly

Emma Daly

BanterMagazine, Belfast Royal Academy

Junior Category

"IF YOU LEAD the people with correctness, who will dare not be correct?" - Confucius.


Has political correctness gone too far? Today we have to be careful about what we say, what we write, and even what we think. What happens if we used the wrong word, a word which someone could perceive as derogatory or offensive, or sexist, or racist, or insensitive?

At heart, political correctness is necessary.

This belief that everyone should accept others, for who they are, not for their background, or religion or colour, is one that has roots in every society. If we accept others, why then should we be allowed to offend them?

However, if we are not allowed to express our opinions, does this mean we no longer have the right to free speech? Free speech entitles us to say what we like as individuals.

On the other hand, if we say the wrong thing, we're condemned. How can we win? Should PC go both ways? Should Caucasians be offended by characters such as Snow White?

Simple terms such as "horse play" or "piggy back" could no longer be used, as it could distress vegetarians and animal-rights campaigners. Another nursery rhyme, Three Blind Mice, would be completely off limits. Now, we have the rather catchy title of the Three Optically Challenged Mice.

So, in theory, political correctness is a good idea, but it is tainted.

This is mainly due to a few pen pushers who do nothing more than make the world harder to live in for the rest of the general public, who are more concerned about how they will pay their bills, put food on the table or even whether to buy white or brown bread.