What's on your rider? Paul Duncan of Warm Ghost

What’s on your rider? The dimmest light allowable in the venue while we play, a bit of backline support, and a full soundcheck…

What's on your rider?The dimmest light allowable in the venue while we play, a bit of backline support, and a full soundcheck. We're easy.

What would be on your fantasy rider?Avocados, a bottle of Mezcal, a quiet green room before the show, and after the show a loud one filled with revelry.

What's your pre-gig ritual/ routine?Finding a quiet spot and collecting ourselves away from the fray.

What are your favourite and least favourite venues?We recently played with the excellent Lotus Plaza at The Knitting Factory in Brooklyn. The place was made-over not too long ago, and it is LOUD in there in all the right ways. People dig it. Least favorite? Anywhere where palpable incompetence reigns. It's rare that a venue is "bad".


What's your crowd-pleasing number?This new one we've been playing from the record we're currently working on. It's 90 per cent kick-drum throb and vocal harmonies. People respond really well to it. It's called Motors Running.

Chatting between songs – good or bad?If done confidently, good. If done as a attempt to mask guitar tuning or lazily peddle your wares, bad.

How big is your entourage?Zero beyond the guys on stage.

Any useful stage tips?When in doubt, leave people wanting more. A too-short set is almost always more effective than a too-long set . . . within reason.

What's the worst thing ever thrown at you?Lazy pick-up lines.

In conversation with Tony Clayton-Lea. Warm Ghost play Dublin on Thursday and the Kilkenny Arts Festival on Friday, August 17th