Power stations set to benefit

A gas pipeline running within 10 miles of the Moneypoint power station in Co Clare would allow that station to convert from coal…

A gas pipeline running within 10 miles of the Moneypoint power station in Co Clare would allow that station to convert from coal-burning to gas-burning and enable the State to comply with the Kyoto Protocol on greenhouse gas emissions. The Minister of State for Public Enterprise, Mr Joe Jacob, said the environmental considerations were "hugely important".

Moneypoint, the State's only coal-burning power station, is also the largest electricity producer, with a 915 megawatt capacity. Aughinish Alumina, the aluminium producing plant in Co Limerick, has also been cited as a potential large customer for gas. One of the largest electricity consumers in the region, it also uses large amounts of oil for heating purposes. Mr Philip Cronin, Bord Gais chief executive, said electricity stations with Combined Cycle Gas Turbines were proving to be energy efficient.

The proximity of gas also opens up the possibility of peat-burning stations in the midlands, which are near the end of their lifecycle, converting to gas. These include Ferbane, Rhode and Shannonbridge. One industry source said the use of "brownfield" sites would be less likely to encounter the same planning objections as start-up operations.