Merrion Road apartment scheme rejected on appeal

Development would depreciate value of nearby properties, says An Bord Pleanála

The ruling to refuse permission to Brian Kennedy for the 25 unit apartment scheme by An Bord Pleanála overturns a decision by Dublin City Council giving the project the green light. Photograph: Nick Bradshaw/The Irish Times

An Bord Pleanála has refused planning permission for a five-storey apartment scheme for Merrion Road after concluding that it would depreciate the value of nearby properties.

The ruling to refuse permission to Brian Kennedy for the 25 unit apartment scheme overturns a decision by Dublin City Council giving the project the green light.

The scheme for The Pavilion site at 204-205 Merrion Road is made up of 12 one-bed units and 13 two-bed units, and also includes a gym. The site currently contains an existing pavilion building, in use as a gym and tennis court, and surface carpark.

The decision to grant permission last June was appealed by local residents to An Bord Pleanála and now the appeals board has overturned the recommendation of its own inspector to grant permission.


The inspector had concluded that the proposal would constitute an acceptable residential density, would not seriously injure the residential or visual amenities and would not depreciate the value of property in the vicinity.

The Council decision was appealed by John and Mary Glynn, the residents of Block 3 Merrion Village, Breeda Jones and the Merrion Village Residents Association.


The board said that in not accepting its own inspector’s recommendation to grant planning permission, it found that the scheme would depreciate the value of property in the vicinity.

Appeals by the Merrion Village Residents Association pointed out that the existing Pavilion building and the public open space in the northwest of the site were originally planned, designed and designated as amenities for the Merrion Village development.

The residents association claimed that the proposed development would disrupt the residential amenities and privacy of existing development through overlooking and overshadowing the adjoining open space and properties.

Merrion Road residents John and Mary Glynn told the appeals board that Merrion Village has 151 dwelling units and has insufficient green and exercise space, while the facilities at the Pavilion and tennis court are integral to the original grant of permission.

A submission on behalf of Brian Kennedy told the appeals board that the proposal is not for a very large development as contended in the appeals, and is suitably scaled to the immediate area.

Gordon Deegan

Gordon Deegan

Gordon Deegan is a contributor to The Irish Times