BARRY GERAGHTY is looking towards another thousand victories after notching up a 1,000th career winner in Ireland over the weekend. The former dual-champion jockey’s hat-trick at Cork on Sunday took him to 1,001 winners in this country and allowed Geraghty join a rare group.
“My wife asked me how many other jocks had ridden 1,000 just in Ireland and, while I’m not certain, I think there might only be Charlie (Swan), Ruby (Walsh) and Paul Carberry,” the Co Meath jockey said yesterday.
Much of Geraghty’s attention these days is on fulfilling his role as number one jockey to Nicky Henderson in Britain but the man who turns 33 next month has said in the past he would like to continue riding until he is 40. “Retirement is the last thing on mind. I love what I’m doing so here’s to the next 1,000!” added Geraghty who has a proven record as a big-race specialist. “I only had one goal when I set out riding and that was 1,000 winners. People say Gold Cups and Grand Nationals, which I’ve been fortunate enough to win, but you never know if those opportunities will come.
“If I had to pick some highlights out most of them would be Moscow Flyer. But I had some good days on Kicking King and Macs Joy, too. Of course Monty’s Pass was a great day when he won the National,” he said. Geraghty’s CV also includes a Champion Hurdle on Punjabi which completed his collection of the four big races at the Cheltenham festival.