Sir, - Peter Emerson (November 12th) suggests that our electoral system should give more consideration to second preference votes. But the value of a second preference is quite uncertain. In one voter's mind, the first and second choices might be running neck and neck in another's, there might be furlongs between them. Consequently, a second choice should not be taken into consideration at all until the first has been disposed of.
The PR/STV plan is not ideal, but it has served us well and should not be tampered with. Mr Emerson suggests a modification using party lists. I don't like these in any form they give more power to the political parties, and power gained by the parties is power lost to the people. In a true democracy the electors have a free choice, and are not forced to accept whatever candidates the parties may think fit to impose on them.
In practice, of course, this ideal cannot be reached, but our present system gives a good choice between candidates belonging to the same party, as well as a choice between parties. In every election here, many voters simply ignore party divisions and vote for the people they like best, and good luck to them! - Yours, etc.,
Lower Mounttown,
Dun Laoghaire.