The poison of racism

A chara, - I agree wholeheartedly with your Editorial of August 21st, "The Poison of Racism", which outlined some of the disgraceful…

A chara, - I agree wholeheartedly with your Editorial of August 21st, "The Poison of Racism", which outlined some of the disgraceful incidents of racially motivated attacks on non-nationals. It went on to condemn the "otherwise apparently respectable men and women [who] employ the most grotesque language in regard to refugees, asylum-seekers, economic migrants and, indeed, ordinary tourists."

Your Editorial claims that the pernicious influence of racism can be stopped with leadership from, among other sources, the media. When racist myths appear in printed form, they gain respectability. I was therefore shocked that the Immigration Control Platform was allowed to advertise in your paper (August 16th, page 7). This organisation has contributed in no small way to the levels of xenophobia in this society. The media pronouncements of its PRO and only member with a public profile, Ms Aine Ni Chonaill, have been particularly vitriolic in this regard.

It is a scandal that the advertisement appeared and it undermines the credibility of The Irish Times to comment on the asylum-seeker and refugee issue. - Is mise,

Damian Mac Conuladh, Ard Aoibhinn, Beal Atha na Slua, Co na Gaillimhe, Ireland.


The Irish Times abhors the aims and methods of the organisation in question. But it is not illegal and as such is entitled to have its voice heard. Those who favour tolerance, pluralism and equality must only weaken their own position if they choose to suppress the arguments of those who do not. - Ed, IT.