The magic of music

Madam, - Catching up on reading The Irish Times , I came across Frank McNally's Irishman's Diary of October 11th on his son'…

Madam, - Catching up on reading The Irish Times, I came across Frank McNally's Irishman's Diary of October 11th on his son's cello lessons just after returning from an outstanding fund-raising concert by the RTÉ Vanbrugh Quartet at the Minane Bridge Church in West Cork in aid of the restoration of Knocknamanagh Old School, Tracton.

As an audience member in the jam-packed church, appreciating the dedication and professionalism of the quartet, I was reminded of my late musician son's remark prior to his death at age 28 in 1991: "I don't want to be famous, I just want to play music."

I urge Frank McNally and your readers to encourage their children's playing of musical instruments: it will enhance their lives for as long as they live. Maybe they will feel as my son felt; or maybe they will achieve the stature of the Vanbrugh Quartet. It is said art reflects life, but art is what makes life worth living, and I, for one, will vouch for that, especially when considering the art of music.

(Of course, we also bought our late son a dog when he was young, but that's another story for another day.)


- Yours, etc,

JEANETTE F. HUBER, Scilly, Kinsale, Co Cork,