The case for nuclear power

Madam, - It was interesting to read the reasoned response from the Ambassador of Finland on the subject of nuclear power in …

Madam, - It was interesting to read the reasoned response from the Ambassador of Finland on the subject of nuclear power in his country (July 3rd). Here in Ireland a golden opportunity is available. With the ESB's impending closure of three out-dated power stations, now is the time to build our first nuclear power station. The world will soon face the day of "peak oil", when oil production begins to fall behind demand. The price of petrol and oil products will then rapidly rise to uneconomic levels.

Wind- and wave-generated power may help a lot, but a small country like this, at the end of the oil chain from Europe, will be the first to be denied supplies of the black gold. Modern nuclear plants - clean, safe and efficient like those in France and Japan - can save us from economic ruin. Most geologists estimate that "peak oil" is 15 years away at the most. How long does it take to design, build and start up a nuclear power station? Fifteen years.

- Yours, etc,

TIM COSTELLO, Granville Road, Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin.