Sex Shop On O'Connell St

Sir, - What a sign of decadence when we need a sex-shop in what should be one of Europe's most beautiful and salubrious boulevards…

Sir, - What a sign of decadence when we need a sex-shop in what should be one of Europe's most beautiful and salubrious boulevards. Is there no Government body or Department that can do something to prevent this moral pollution, or is there no control whatever over who sets up what in the main street of our capital city?

The violation of females now seems to have become a national pastime, if one is to judge by the many rapes, sexual attacks, indecent assaults, disappearances and murders of women, girls, even girl-children, as reported daily in the newspapers. Even the staid pages of The Irish Times are filled with such horrific stories, in all their dreadful detail.

One dare not think of the increase in such violent happenings, what with an inViagrated male population further titillated by the sex goods available in O'Connell Street. Ours is indeed a sick society. - Yours, etc.

Vera Hughes,



Co Westmeath