Secret video of Iraq killings

Madam, – I was appalled to read about the Wikileaks secret Iraq video (World News, April 6th)

Madam, – I was appalled to read about the Wikileaks secret Iraq video (World News, April 6th). Later, after watching the cold- blooded, unprovoked killing of 12-15 Iraqis, including two Reuters journalists, on the Wikileaks website, I was outraged this story did not make the Front page.

What is the world coming to? Tiger Woods’s comeback gets on the front page but this doesn’t. At one point in the video, a wounded journalist is seen crawling to safety when he was sprayed by more bullets.

And this was to the sound of laughing by a juvenile delinquent, trigger-happy soldier. Meanwhile, two kids were also shot for what appears to have been no reason whatsoever.

Unless the world press fully acknowledges and questions this atrocity, and subsequent cover-up, the apathy of our own media will one day return to haunt us all. – Yours, etc,


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Dublin 2.