Private schools: are they worth it?

Sir, – Oliver Murphy, principal of Castleknock College, is reported as saying (September 3rd) that the school fees of €5,160…

Sir, – Oliver Murphy, principal of Castleknock College, is reported as saying (September 3rd) that the school fees of €5,160 allow the school to employ 12 extra teachers above the State allocation. No doubt the school fees also contribute in some way towards the upkeep of the spacious grounds, the rugby pitches, the five floodlit tennis courts, the proposed basketball arena and the well-stocked library. Altogether these facilities must provide a very attractive educational environment.

One can but surmise as to what the attitude of St Vincent de Paul, patron saint of the school, would be to the current situation when the school continues to receive an annual subvention of €2.1 million while lay members of St Vincent de Paul society must assist parents of children in nearby schools to overcome the real problems associated with the recession. – Yours, etc,


Lorcan Drive,

Santry, Dublin 9.