Partnership For Peace

Sir, - I was disappointed this morning to hear the Fine Gael TD Gay Mitchell advocating Ireland's joining the NATO-affiliated…

Sir, - I was disappointed this morning to hear the Fine Gael TD Gay Mitchell advocating Ireland's joining the NATO-affiliated Partnership for Peace. Even more disturbing was the fact that he then went on to describe this as a "parliamentary matter", and as such one on which consultation with the Irish people was unnecessary.

Joining PfP would represent a substantial change - at least outwardly - in Irish foreign policy, and there is therefore a duty on the Government to seek the opinion of the country on an issue that is likely to seriously affect the future of all the people of Ireland for many years to come, not just the parliamentarians.

Why is Mr Mitchell so afraid of having a referendum on this issue? Why is he hesitant about ascertaining the true opinions of those he claims to represent? - Yours, etc., Barry M. Ward,

Pottery Road, Dun Laogaire, Co Dublin.